Does avplayer initwithurl download the entire file

Does avplayer initwithurl download the entire file

does avplayer initwithurl download the entire file

(current is @ 0,97 v for XYZ and 1,21 for extruder) and put marlin 1.1.9 bugfix, If it with Full Graphic You can now upload the new firmware with a HEX file using download apks for kindle fire · does avplayer initwithurl download the entire. Viewing file: AVPlayer.h download logify File: AVPlayer.h Framework: AVFoundation Copyright 2010 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. AVPlayer can be configured to display visual media to CoreAnimation layers or @method initWithURL. We use AVPlayer for playing audio files from local storage and It's all because of authorization header that you should set when you send GET request to the server. There is no public method in AVPlayer interface that allows you to do we have from startOffset to whatever has been downloaded so far. does avplayer initwithurl download the entire file

Does avplayer initwithurl download the entire file - congratulate

AVPlayer was found in iOS 13.1.3, 12.1, 11.1.2, 11.0.1, 10.2, 10.1.1, 9.3.3, 9.0, 8.0, 7.0, 6.0, 5.0, 4.0
/* File: AVPlayer.h Framework: AVFoundation Copyright 2010 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. */ /*! @class AVPlayer @abstract AVPlayer offers a playback interface for single- or multiple-item playback that's sufficient for the implementation of playback controllers and playback user interfaces. The multiple item-case has support for automatically advancing from the playback of one item to the next and also for advancing under the control of the client. @discussion AVPlayer works equally well with local and remote media files, providing clients with appropriate information about readiness to play or about the need to await additional data before continuing. AVPlayer can be configured to display visual media to CoreAnimation layers or to vend images to clients for processing via AVImageProvider, or both simultaneously. */ #import <AVFoundation/AVBase.h> #import <CoreMedia/CMTime.h> #import <CoreMedia/CMTimeRange.h> #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> @class AVPlayerItem; @class AVPlayerInternal; /*! @enum AVPlayerStatus @abstract These constants are returned by the AVPlayer status property to indicate whether it can successfully play items. @constant AVPlayerStatusUnknown Indicates that the status of the player is not yet known because it has not tried to load new media resources for playback. @constant AVPlayerStatusReadyToPlay Indicates that the player is ready to play AVPlayerItem instances. @constant AVPlayerStatusFailed Indicates that the player can no longer play AVPlayerItem instances because of an error. The error is described by the value of the player's error property. */ enum { AVPlayerStatusUnknown, AVPlayerStatusReadyToPlay, AVPlayerStatusFailed }; typedef NSInteger AVPlayerStatus; enum { AVPlayerActionAtItemEndPause = 1, AVPlayerActionAtItemEndNone }; typedef NSInteger AVPlayerActionAtItemEnd; @interface AVPlayer : NSObject {
AVPlayerInternal *_player;
@abstract Returns an instance of AVPlayer that plays a single audiovisual resource referenced by URL.
@result An instance of AVPlayer
@discussion Implicitly creates an AVPlayerItem. Clients can obtain the AVPlayerItem as it becomes the player's currentItem.
+ (AVPlayer *)playerWithURL:(NSURL *)URL;
@method playerWithPlayerItem:
@abstract Create an AVPlayer that plays a single audiovisual item.
@result An instance of AVPlayer
@discussion Useful in order to play items for which an AVAsset has previously been created. See -[AVPlayerItem initWithAsset:].
+ (AVPlayer *)playerWithPlayerItem:(AVPlayerItem *)item;
@abstract Initializes an AVPlayer that plays a single audiovisual resource referenced by URL.
@result An instance of AVPlayer
@discussion Implicitly creates an AVPlayerItem. Clients can obtain the AVPlayerItem as it becomes the player's currentItem.
- (id)initWithURL:(NSURL *)URL;
@method initWithPlayerItem:
@abstract Create an AVPlayer that plays a single audiovisual item.
@result An instance of AVPlayer
@discussion Useful in order to play items for which an AVAsset has previously been created. See -[AVPlayerItem initWithAsset:].
- (id)initWithPlayerItem:(AVPlayerItem *)item;
The ability of the receiver to be used for playback.
The value of this property is an AVPlayerStatus that indicates whether the receiver can be used for playback. When
the value of this property is AVPlayerStatusFailed, the receiver can no longer be used for playback and a new
instance needs to be created in its place. When this happens, clients can check the value of the error property to
determine the nature of the failure. This property is key value observable.
@property (nonatomic, readonly) AVPlayerStatus status;
If the receiver's status is AVPlayerStatusFailed, this describes the error that caused the failure.
The value of this property is an NSError that describes what caused the receiver to no longer be able to play items.
If the receiver's status is not AVPlayerItemStatusFailed, the value of this property is nil.
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSError *error;
@abstract Returns the current time of the current item.
@discussion Returns the current time of the current item. Not key-value observable; use -addPeriodicTimeObserverForInterval:usingBlock: instead.
@abstract Moves the playback cursor.
@discussion Use this method to seek to a specified time for the current player item.
The time seeked to may differ from the specified time for efficiency. For sample accurate seeking see seekToTime:toleranceBefore:toleranceAfter:.
- (void)seekToTime:(CMTime)time;
@method seekToTime:toleranceBefore:toleranceAfter:
@abstract Moves the playback cursor within a specified time bound.
@discussion Use this method to seek to a specified time for the current player item.
The time seeked to will be within the range [time-beforeTolerance, time+afterTolerance] and may differ from the specified time for efficiency.
Pass kCMTimeZero for both toleranceBefore and toleranceAfter to request sample accurate seeking which may incur additional decoding delay.
Messaging this method with beforeTolerance:kCMTimePositiveInfinity and afterTolerance:kCMTimePositiveInfinity is the same as messaging seekToTime: directly.
- (void)seekToTime:(CMTime)time toleranceBefore:(CMTime)toleranceBefore toleranceAfter:(CMTime)toleranceAfter;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) AVPlayerItem *currentItem;
/* indicates the current rate of playback; 0.0 means "stopped", 1.0 means "play at the natural rate of the current item" */
@property (nonatomic) float rate;
@property (nonatomic) AVPlayerActionAtItemEnd actionAtItemEnd;
@property (nonatomic, getter=isClosedCaptionDisplayEnabled) BOOL closedCaptionDisplayEnabled;
@interface AVPlayer (AVPlayerPlaybackControl)
// convenience methods for controlling playback; results are also achievable by setting properties
@abstract Begins playback of the current item.
@discussion Same as setting rate to 1.0.
@abstract Pauses playback.
@discussion Same as setting rate to 0.0.
@method replaceCurrentItemWithPlayerItem:
@abstract Replaces the player's current item with the specified player item.
@discussion For best results ensure that the tracks property of an AVPlayerItem's AVAsset, if there is one,
has reached the status AVKeyValueStatusLoaded before attempting to replace the current item with it.
See -[AVAsset loadValuesAsynchronouslyForKeys:completionHandler:].
- (void)replaceCurrentItemWithPlayerItem:(AVPlayerItem *)item;
@interface AVPlayer (AVPlayerTimeObservation)
@method addPeriodicTimeObserverForInterval:queue:usingBlock:
@abstract Requests invocation of a block during playback to report changing time.
The interval of invocation of the block during normal playback, according to progress of the current time of the player.
The serial queue onto which block should be enqueued. If you pass NULL, the main queue (obtained using dispatch_get_main_queue()) will be used. Passing a
concurrent queue to this method will result in undefined behavior.
The block to be invoked periodically.
An object conforming to the NSObject protocol. You must retain this returned value as long as you want the time observer to be invoked by the player.
Pass this object to -removeTimeObserver: to cancel time observation.
@discussion The block is invoked periodically at the interval specified, interpreted according to the timeline of the current item.
The block is also invoked whenever time jumps and whenever playback starts or stops.
If the interval corresponds to a very short interval in real time, the player may invoke the block less frequently
than requested. Even so, the player will invoke the block sufficiently often for the client to update indications
of the current time appropriately in its end-user interface.
Each call to -addPeriodicTimeObserverForInterval:queue:usingBlock: should be paired with a corresponding call to -removeTimeObserver:.
Releasing the observer object without a call to -removeTimeObserver will result in undefined behavior.
- (id)addPeriodicTimeObserverForInterval:(CMTime)interval queue:(dispatch_queue_t)queue usingBlock:(void (^)(CMTime time))block;
@method addBoundaryTimeObserverForTimes:queue:usingBlock:
@abstract Requests invocation of a block when specified times are traversed during normal playback.
The times for which the observer requests notification, supplied as an array of NSValues carrying CMTimes.
The serial queue onto which block should be enqueued. If you pass NULL, the main queue (obtained using dispatch_get_main_queue()) will be used. Passing a
concurrent queue to this method will result in undefined behavior.
The block to be invoked when any of the specified times is crossed during normal playback.
An object conforming to the NSObject protocol. You must retain this returned value as long as you want the time observer to be invoked by the player.
Pass this object to -removeTimeObserver: to cancel time observation.
@discussion Each call to -addPeriodicTimeObserverForInterval:queue:usingBlock: should be paired with a corresponding call to -removeTimeObserver:.
Releasing the observer object without a call to -removeTimeObserver will result in undefined behavior.
- (id)addBoundaryTimeObserverForTimes:(NSArray *)times queue:(dispatch_queue_t)queue usingBlock:(void (^)(void))block;
@method removeTimeObserver:
@abstract Cancels a previously registered time observer.
An object returned by a previous call to -addPeriodicTimeObserverForInterval:queue:usingBlock: or -addBoundaryTimeObserverForTimes:queue:usingBlock:.
@discussion Upon return, the caller is guaranteed that no new time observer blocks will begin executing. Depending on the calling thread and the queue
used to add the time observer, an in-flight block may continue to execute after this method returns. You can guarantee synchronous time
observer removal by enqueuing the call to -removeTimeObserver on that queue. Alternatively, call dispatch_sync(queue, ^{}) after
-removeTimeObserver to wait for any in-flight blocks to finish executing.
-removeTimeObserver should be used to explicitly cancel each time observer added using -addPeriodicTimeObserverForInterval:queue:usingBlock:
and -addBoundaryTimeObserverForTimes:queue:usingBlock:.
- (void)removeTimeObserver:(id)observer;
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Does avplayer initwithurl download the entire file

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