Error downloading a file for the following pack technic

Error downloading a file for the following pack technic

error downloading a file for the following pack technic

[help] Error Downloading a file for the following pack: tekkit I deleted my modpack on the technic website and when I went to make a new one. We'll need you Technic launcher logs and which file failed to download. Check the FAQ thread in this forum to locate your logs. UNDO. Posted 22. i can not download the modpack its saying "Error downloading a file for following pack: Omega Adventure Pack Failed to download e.g. ericks-insane-adventure​-pack-3.34; Then, in technic, click modpack options and then. error downloading a file for the following pack technic

Opinion: Error downloading a file for the following pack technic

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Technic Launcher Not Downloading Modpacks [closed]

Your best bet is to head to the specific file in whatever Users folder it installed to (My Technic Launcher, for some reason, installs a different mod-pack to every user, instead of keeping to only one name), and delete the specific modpack in the modpacks folder. If that doesn't work, try deleting the modpack in the Assets folder. And if that doesn't work, you may just have to delete the contents of the .technic folder entirely. It's the only way I've been able to manually reset my Technic packs.

I'm not a Technic Pack coder / member, so my advice should probably only be taken as a last resort, especially the last one if you don't mind losing your saves to all modpacks. If you're still having trouble, I suggest asking on the official Technic forums. They'll probably have better advice than my own.

answered Nov 20 '13 at 21:03

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Error downloading a file for the following pack technic - you

Error downloading a file for the following pack technic - thought differently

Error downloading a file for the following pack technic

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