Lop gold game downloads torrent

Lop gold game downloads torrent

lop gold game downloads torrent

Download and Play Free games for boys, girls and kids.serbian casino torrent lop gold. King Neptunes Casino has been online since 2000, and constantly. Password, Best new accounts download link goodlogins.com. Votes: 680. 74% Torrent, Download, Crack.. LOPGold is great LopGold " Lesson of Passion Gold erotic games ", this is best porn games 593faadb19. All games are hacked and working 100%!. June 2020: Added [LOP GOLD] Eleanor 3: Blue Orchid [Full Game + Mod]. May 2020.

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53 responses to “Lesson Of Passion and Sex & Glory – Gold Collection (June 2020) + Cheats”

  1. Is there any way for this to be posted on google drive or something? It is very difficult to use the sites that you have posted to download these

    • Hello, do you want some game from this collection or full collection? I have some MEGA links but google drive i don’t have sadly.

        • Hello, there are many games so do you have some game wish which you want to play? And there are actually some games on site just write “Lesson of Passion” in search. 🙂

    • Hello, sadly this isn’t my upload so i don’t have MEGA link, one guy works also on my site and he posts games 2-3 time per week. If you need some specific game from Lesson of Passion you can write and i will try to find fast links for them. 🙂

  2. Hello, at first: THANK YOU!

    This is a big collection. It’s truly amazing. I hope you will get also the games from 2019. This would be pretty impressive.

    I have problem with one game: Snake Valley – The background is always a big red Question Mark (“?”) and i can only see the surface, where stats are shown the People in the game. But no background picture.
    What could it be ?

    • Hello friend, you’re welcome. 🙂
      About this collection, it’s actually a post from one trusted uploader who works on my site so i will ask him now and will let you know asap. 🙂

    • Unfortunately, I do not know how to fix it. I have already deleted this collection from my computer and I can not watch. But soon there will be an updated collection and I will pay attention to this game.

  3. how do i play these games? I downloaded all of them but i only see Java script file,CSSD file, php file, html file.

    How do I proceed from here?

    • Additional Info: After I click on the firefox html file, it open in browser but a white blank dialog box open up with only one “ok” button. do I need to download anything else?

        • ok thanks for the fast reply. I appreciate it:). i will describe some further info in case your friend needs it.

          I click on the play_medusa(medusa curse game)”firefox html document” then it lead to a dark grey blank screen in my FF browser with only the blank dialogue box with a “ok” so I’m not sure what it is about.

          there is a mini loading bar that reaches 100% behind the dialogue box.

          after I click the “ok” on the blank dialogue box, the loading bar disappear while the grey blank page remains with a very small rectangle appear in the middle of the screen.

          then I can hear the sountrack of the game like in the loading screen but there is nowhere to click cause the page is blank. i tested it by opening the other games. same thing happen but the soundtrack differ each time so I guess it really is the loading screen sountrack from each game. but no visual

          I’m not too good at tech so I’m quite stunned on it haha. at first i wondered if it is that i never run adobe flash since by default the browser after version 69 stop running flash unless the user click yes on the prompt. but the sound did appear and there is no prompt for me to run adobe so I’m not sure if it is the problem:(

          thanks for putting up the collection anyway. I appreciate the effort still.

  4. You need to run the file with the permission “SWF”, and not the “firefox html document” and the game will start in any player. In my case, by default, it starts in the “Pot player”.

      • I understood you. You talk about games from Sex & Glory.
        Some Sex & Glory games may require Palemoon browser if they don’t run in your own browsers.
        Palemoon browser present in the folder “Tools”

        P.s. This is written in a text file “Information”. Please Read the instructions before asking questions.

        • I read. I never said you don’t understand me or any misunderstanding regarding what games I was talking about.
          my second question/comment is not regarding the browser or tools or ask you why swf is necessary.
          instruction said use flash 30 or palemoon browser. also uses swf file, like you said in your comment above as well.
          i just plainly ask where can I find it because i know I need to use it but yet I didn’t see it. maybe I miss somewhere in the folders I not sure so I ask you.

  5. miladmin, erm I’m not sure why i don’t see the reply button so I just add another comment. I still have no idea how to start with the games, I not sure if it is a technical error or I just too blur to know the correct steps haha.

    am I suppose to find the swf file in the respective folders then open them with flash or palemoon browser?

    or i should start up palemoon browser/flash then open the swf files from there? when I click on the “start” of palemoon browser, it says “Palemoom\Start.ini does not exist.”

    i assume the swf files are those files with that extension but I can’t seem to find them still

    • Hello,

      About Palemoon find file like in this pic and it should works – https://funkyimg.com/i/2YEXo.jpg
      I think that only some games will need this Palemoon but most of the games you can run via Flash – And for example it’s best to open flash first and then click file/open and find folder where games are and then run game which you want.
      Tell me if now you can run games. 🙂

        • Hello, well try to open file in Internet Explorer, this play_medusa and tell me if it works for you. I know that it’s slow browser but sometimes it’s useful. 🙂

          • so sorry for the late reply, was busy with something and I forgot. for now internet explorer can’t open the file. but it’s ok. sorry to trouble you so far. I just keep on trying and if it can work I will update you. thanks.

  6. For those having the problem like a blank alert box and then just a rectangular box in the middle ( loading animation), I had the same problem with sex&glory Roommates and it didn’t occur in Palemoon browser.

  7. Hello
    there are some expansions for Eleanor 3
    one is released
    and another one is upcoming
    can u add them too ?

    • Hello, sadly this games have DRM protection and nobody cracked it yet so i am not sure when it will be available.

  8. hello it is very hard to download the games from your link because they are all download seperately and each take 4 hours due to slow speed can you send me a torrent link or anything sir?

  9. Hello miladmin, first of all a big thank you ! can we expect lopgoldnew games like serbian casino or under the black banner in the near future ?

    • Hello Chris, i am not sure about this because this depends on Lesson of Passion Studio, because their games have some kind of DRM and it’s impossible to crack currently. But i hope that we will be able to play their awesome games in future. If it will be leaked anywhere on internet it will be immediately on this site. 🙂

  10. Hello i’m new to this and am stuck at loading screen in some of S&G games. Please help me out ?

      • Hello, thank you for the feedback miladmin. S&G games does not have any .swf files and only .html files are there to run the game. When i open .html files in palemoon browser (as instructed in information.txt) i get a blank dialog box with “OK” button. After pressing it, the game sound starts but the game gets stucked in loading screen. So, can you please ask the uploader how to get past this problem ?. Thank you again 🙂

          • Hello again, my friend told me that he already wrote in previous comments what he knows about this problem. His nickname is Dens so you can check it.
            Also if it’s possible try to open html file in Internet Explorer or some other browser, i usually use them for Lesson and Passion games. 🙂

  11. Does anyone know from what game the 14th picture is? I’m not really looking to play all of these games but rather some that might interest me and that one seems like fun 😉

  12. Hello, can you add the new version of Seducing the Throne : More magic, more mushrooms ?
    Thanks for the effort

  13. man ur site rocks …
    Just upload the Links on Mega or Google Drive PLZ… These sites are such pain to download from
    And Plz can u send me the Mega\Google Drive Links….

    • Hey mate, thank you for the kind words. 🙂
      Sure i have my second site where you can download games via MEGA etc. Feel free to visit it and enjoy! 🙂

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Источник: [https://torrent-igruha.org/3551-portal.html]

Lop gold game downloads torrent

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